FPGA Architect

FPGA ArchitectTM is a design automation platform for generating correct-by-construction embedded FPGA cores.


Value Proposition

Developing an FPGA from scratch is a complex engineering endeavor that demands a large team of experts in FPGA design, EDA tools, circuit optimization, and physical design. Even porting an existing FPGA architecture to a new process node can take years and cost millions. To lower the barrier to custom FPGA development, Zero ASIC has created a suite of FPGA generator tools that dramatically reduce the engineering effort, cutting development time and cost by an order of magnitude.


Leveraging high level Python based FPGA architecture definitions and an automated standard cell back-end implementation engine, FPGA Architect automates the generation of:

Key FPGA Architect features:

The following table shows the range of FPGA Architect parameters that have been thoroughly tested. More architecture options are under development.

Architecture OptionMinMax
Array size3 x 3128 x 128
LUT size46
Fracturable LUTsNone2-way
LUTs per CLB210
I/Os per IO block116
Clock Domains14
CLB Crossbar connectivity45%100%
Switch box connectivy12.5%25%
Routing Channels32200

Target Markets

Access Model

FPGA Architect is accessible on a per project basis from Zero ASIC. Contact our development team to learn more about the engagement model and process availability.

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